
Today iLike: AL-HACA [flyer update!!!]


Nu va faceti planuri pentru vineri, 19 Decembrie 2008. Vom petrece big pimpin' style cu Al Haca si Crunchtime! Incepand cu ora 22:30, bautura fina, bassul gras si voia buna vor curge din plin in Club Fabrica.

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INTRARE 25RON // START @ 22:30 // END @ 05:00

Workshop special dedicat in mare parte Ableton si Reason, cu incepere in jurul orei 19:00, sfarsit pana in ora 22:00. De asemenea, vom avea parte de prezentari ale unor produse spectaculoase in materie de productie muzicala si DJing, precum Lemur (controller inovator folosit de nume precum Daft Punk, Justice sau Richie Hawtin).

See thread on drumandbass.ro and on last.fm

Next: Bong-Ra 30 ian@Fabrica


Today iLike: My Halloween costume

For me Halloween is an opportunity to wear whatever is on my mind. This year i wanted so badly to try on a kuro lolita costume, but couldn't finish it on time (as in i barely even started it). So i went for a kuro lolita meets ballerina costume.
I made a tutu from about 6 m of black tulle and a mini-top hat. I wore them with a black tank top, a black skirt underneath and my lovely mary-janes. And no, my nails weren't black, but red.

We went to DjSnow 10 Years Anniversary@ Suburbia and i danced my tutu off. Lotsa good music. Imma (ballerina) junglist!

Off-topic. I finally changed my hair style. I had the asymmetrical cut for ages and now it's so trendy i couldn't stand it anymore. I'm simply in love with my homemade clean cut. Plus is goes so much better with the lolita look.